MrrowOct 24, 2024 11:18am9 min read

The Bewitching Bond Between Cats and Witches: A Purrfectly Spooky Tale

Mrrow! Welcome to the Mrrog: Mrrow's official blog. Today we've recalibrated the punometer for Spooky Season and have more feline history to tell than ever before. Prepare yourself for Halloween as we enbrace the spirit of the Pumpkin King and delve into a common, yet misleading, superstition. Witho...
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MrrowJun 16, 2024 8:21am7 min read

The Purrfect Companions: A Feline History in Ancient Egypt

And for today's edition to the Mrrog: let's take a look into the past and mrrow to ancient Egypt! Don't worry, we turned the dial down on the punometer this time. Cats, those enigmatic and graceful creatures, have captured human hearts for millennia. Their sleek forms, aloof demeanor, and piercing e...
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MrrowJun 5, 2024 2:54pm5 min read

The Purrfect History of Domestic Cats: From Wild Hunters to Household Royals

As the first post in our Mrrog Celebration series: a brief history of our furry feline friends. Domestic cats, beloved companions and internet stars, have a history as fascinating and varied as their personalities. Let’s embark on a journey through time to unravel the mystery of how these purrfect p...
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